Speak not to me of Persimmon

Mena Malgavkar
2 min readMay 25, 2021

Speak not to me of Persimmon

Drawing me into her warm embrace, seeking me out slowly, kneading me

I was lulled by those ever-changing tones — one part orange, one part russet

one part blazing sunset, one part mellow moonrise

one part savage, one part romantic, one part feral, one part pliant.

Persimmon, that hue whose dulcet tones wind around my brush

works her way onto my canvas, who weaves her wily ways into my heart and

leaves a burning gash where I meant only hushed tones.

Speak not to me of this Jezebel, she who is all heedless beauty

Who has no desire to leave, who haunts my studio and

makes me tardy, keeping me away from home and hearth

Whose tones I look to balance with Taupe, Cream, slate Grey

Persimmon who said she would flow with the seasons and never go out of style.

Who said her hue was eternal, who whispered sweet nothings to my sturdy brushes and made them wilt with shame.

Not for the faint hearted, she said. But then I never thought I was faint hearted

How the mighty fall.

Speak not to me of this mischief maker

Who turns me into someone I don’t know

Who says ‘close your eyes and say what you think

with your brushes and watch your canvas catch fire.

How smoothly she crept into the studio — an innocent stroke

then a wee bit at the edge, and before I knew it, the deed was done.

You won’t regret it, she said.

Who won’t fall for this warm, inviting shade, this fulsomeness.

I banished her, even her memory, singed her

out from my heart, scoured her from my brushes

I thought I was done with that midsummer madness

Yet I find myself pausing, watching

In the shadows of an evening

In the silence of the studio

Did I hear a whisper

is that a fleeting glimpse

Of fiery red, of ever-changing orange, of breezy rust

Who is that prim little dot in the corner

Just evening shadows.

I cannot get rid of this twinge

I tell myself I need the peace and quiet

The orderliness of the paints

The cleanliness of the brushes

None of that coquetry now

My canvases are balanced

The colours as they should be

All form and beauty and perfectness

Who wants gay abandon when you can have faultless work?

I cannot get rid of this twinge

Speak not to me of

Speak not to me of Persimmon.

Persimmon and rust



Mena Malgavkar

Artist, designer, tormentor of husband and child, owner of a wandering mind.